14.0 and Browsertime 9.0 the only Web Performance tool that run on a Commodore 64

Let us celebrate over 10 million downloads of the Docker container and release 14 and Browsertime 9!

There are five important new things in the new release:

  • New updated Grafana dashboards with all the goodies from Grafana 7.0. All Graphite dashboards is updated: dashboards, WebPageTest and our plus-1 dashboard.
  • You can now see all screenshots for a run in! This is super useful when you use scripting to test a user journey. You can take screenshots whenever you need and see the result on the result page, making it even easier then before to know what’s going on.
  • We have a new section in the documentation: web performance testing in practice focusing in synthetic testing! I’ve think this is the most comprehensive guide to synthetic testing that’s out there.
  • You can support us at Open Collective! We need money to be able to run our test servers, run tests on mobile devices and use a dedicated bare metal server. Helping us with that will make sure we continue to release a bug free, feature rich Open Source tool!
  • You can get CrUx data direct from (avoid using the +1 container) with the new crux-plugin.

New dashboards #

All the Graphite dashboards have been updated. There are four focused dashboards for data:

We also have a new and fresh version of the plus 1 dashboard showing GPSI/CrUx/Lighthouse metrics. And the WebPageTest dashboards also got updated!

Lets look at some of the dashboards.

The page timings summary focus on timing metrics and is the number one dashboard you should use when you look for visual regressions. It also show all other timing metrics that is collected.

Page timing dashboard

And compare the metrics with last weeks metrics.

Page timing dashboard compared with last week

You will also see navigation timing, element timing and user timings.

Page timing with element timings

The page summary shows metrics for a specific URL/page. The dashboard focus on how your page was built. The red/yellow/green limits are configurable in Grafana.

Page summary

You can also see CPU performance, third party tools and more.

Page summary and third party

And AXE, CO2 and errors (and a lot more).

Page summary co2

We also added a new dashboard for your sites data from the Chrome User Experience Report plugin.


And if you use the +1 container running Google stuff you can graph Google Page Speed Insights data including CrUx out of the box and it looks like this:

Plus 1 dashboard

Plus 1 dashboard part 2

You can read more about the dashboards in the documentation.

Screenshots #

Using scripting you can take screenshots whenever you need. That’s super useful if your script fails because a content change. Take a screenshot when it fails and you can see that in the result. Choose the run and the tab Screenshots.


Documentation for synthetic testing #

There’s a lot of things you need to know when you start run performance test your web page. I’ve been working on documenting what I’ve learned through the years and finally it’s ready! Read all about web performance in practice.

Support #

We’ve been running for eight years without financial support. Instead we used host companies to sponsor our test servers and paid for the rest our selves. It worked OK but we want to move away of being dependent of hosting companies and instead being able to choose hosts.

Keeping a performance monitoring tools like up and running cost money. At the moment we use four cloud instances to run, run continuous test for and browsertime. The cost for that is $200 per month.

The next step for us is to add monitoring on real mobile phones. We support both Android and iOS but at the moment the tests we do happens manually per release. We want to continuously run the tests and will use the money to find a company to host our phones.

We also want to have a comprehensive guide on how to run your tests on bare metal and to be able to do that, we need to have a bare metal server.

You can help us by supporting us at Open Collective!

CrUx data #

We have built a new Chrome User Experience Report plugin that comes bundled with The only thing you need to get CrUX data is a CrUx API key. We collect data for the specific URL and for the origin.

You can get the data per form factor, or for all of them. Read the documentation on how to best setup CrUx!

Other changes done earlier in 2020 #

We have done a lot of things earlier this year, we added support for Visual Metrics on Safari on OS X, use Safari Technology Preview on desktop and some tuning in using Safari on iOS.

Run Browsertime Safari

We also added support for Microsoft Edge (Linux coming soon?).

Run Browsertime Edge

We made sure works on OS X, Windows and Linux without using Docker. If you want to run without Docker, you can check our GitHub Actions as inspiration.

And we moved to use main as default branch for all projects.

And more in the latest release #

We also done a couple of bug fixes. Checkout the Browsertime changelog and the changelog for the full list.
