Support & help

If you need help or support then:

  1. Try --help! Most tools support the --help parameter. Try --help and see what you can do with the tool.
  2. We try to document all the things, so read the documentation.
  3. We have a lot of documentation. Sometimes its hard to find the thing you need, try the search.
  4. If you don’t find what you need, search GitHub open/closed issues. The project been alive for many years and you can get a lot of help in closed GitHub issues.
  5. If you still haven’t found what you need, join our Slack channel and tell us about your problem.

If you have a bug, please read How to do a reproducible bug report and file your bug under the project you think match. If you don’t know where to report the bug, create the issue on the main repo and we will move the issue to the right place!