Documentation / S3
You can store the result HTML/images and videos at Amazon S3 (or S3 compliant storage). That’s what we are using for What’s good about it is that it is cheap and you can easily control how long time you want to keep you files. And it is not too much work to setup.
Setup a S3 bucket #
To setup a bucket on S3 you need to have a Amazon account.
- Create one IAM User and follow the best practice guide - you need a IAM user to get the key and secret to be able to upload the result from
- Create a bucket - setup one bucket per server that runs tests (then you are sure there will be no collides and it will be easier when you want to remove tests).
- Configure your bucket for static website hosting - so that you can access the result pages and make sure you add a bucket policy (for access).
- Add a lifecycle rule - you want to make sure you remove old result pages/videos/screenshots to save money.
- If you want to show screenshots/videos/use the meta data from S3 in Grafana, you need to make sure that your Grafana instance can access S3 through your browser by setting up correct CORS.
Here’s an example for setting up CORS to give access rights to get HARs and other files.
"AllowedHeaders": [],
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": []
Do you need more help? First dive into the AWS S3 docs then if it doesn’t help, create an issue and we can try to help you. configuration #
To push the metrics to S3 you need either Explicit Credentials (Key, Secret) or an IAM instance profile if running on EC2. Here are both approaches:
Using Explicit Credentials (Key, Secret) #
You need the key, the secret and your bucketname. You get the --s3.key
and --s3.secret
from your IAM User. The --s3.bucketname
is the name you picked for your bucket.
Depending on the setup you sometimes want to set the S3 region (--s3.region
if you don’t use the default one) and the canned access control --s3.acl
of the uploaded files (you can setup the access control when you setup the bucket too).
Using IAM Instance Profile #
When running on an EC2 instance, you can use IAM instance profiles for S3 access instead of providing explicit AWS credentials. This is recommended as it’s more secure than handling access keys directly.
Your EC2 instance needs an IAM role with S3 permissions (s3:PutObject
and s3:ListBucket
). You only need to specify the --s3.bucketname
and optionally the --s3.region
if you don’t use the default one. The instance profile credentials will be automatically used without needing to specify --s3.key
or --s3.secret
Extra configuration #
You can also pass on all parameters that the official AWS JavaScript SDK uses.
Pass parameters to S3 upload #
Extra params passed when you do the S3.upload --s3.params
. Checkout the AWS upload property docs for all properties.
Example - set expire to one year: --s3.params.Expires=31536000
Pass extra options when you create the S3 object #
Extra options passed when you create the S3 object. Checkout the S3 Object documentation.
Example - lock to a specific API version --s3.options.apiVersion=2006-03-01
Using S3 as server #
Running on S3 you should also setup a URL to your S3 instance(s). That way the annotation links in Graphite/InfluxDb will appear. You can then go from a result in Grafana to the actual HTML result. That is super useful when you want to understand a regression.
For the dashboard we have setup a domain so when we run we add the following --resultBaseURL
Extra options you should use #
When you push to S3 there are a couple of extra configurations you should use.
By default the HAR file is bundled in the HTML, because if you run the HTML files locally on your machine, that’s the only they can be loaded. But on S3 you want to separate the HAR and the HTML (it will save space). Do that by adding --html.fetchHARFiles
Then you want to make sure the HAR files is gzipped (to save even more space): --gzipHAR
Screenshots are by default png but you probably want them to be jpg: --screenshot.type jpg
And then you should also make sure that all the result files (HTML/videos/screenshots) are removed from your local server and only exists on S3. Add --s3.removeLocalResult
As a last thing you should also add --copyLatestFilesToBase
that will make it possible to view latest screenshot and video in Grafana from S3.
If you want deploy the storage yourself you can use the Open Source You can deploy that using Docker. You have an example on how you can set that up in online test.
Digital Ocean Spaces
Digital Ocean is compatible with the S3 API, so all that is required after setting up your space and acquiring a key and secret is to modify the endpoint that the s3 results are passed to as shown below.
Make sure that your endpoint starts with http/https.
JSON configuration file #
If the endpoint is not passed this will default to AWS’s endpoint. You may safely exclude it for AWS integration. If you use a JSON configuration file you should make sure you add this to get S3 to work:
"resultBaseURL": "https://your.bucket.url",
"gzipHAR": true,
"html": {
"fetchHARFiles": true
"s3": {
"key": "YOUR_KEY",
"secret": "YOUR_SECRET",
"bucketname": "YOUR_BUCKETNAME",
"removeLocalResult": true
"screenshot": {
"type": "jpg"