Documentation / Installation
You can run Browsertime using our Docker container or using NodeJS. If you use Docker everything “just works” and you don’t need to install anything extra for getting video and visual metrics to work.
Docker #
We have Docker images with Browsertime, Chrome, Firefox and Xvfb. It is super easy to use (Xvfb is started automatically when you start the container). Here’s how to use the container with both Firefox & Chrome (install Docker first).
Mac & Linux #
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/browsertime sitespeedio/browsertime:24.2.0 --video --visualMetrics
Windows #
C:\Users\Vicky> docker pull sitespeedio/browsertime
C:\Users\Vicky> docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/browsertime sitespeedio/browsertime:24.2.0 -b firefox
That will output the data from the run in the current directory.
Standalone #
Mac & Linux #
Prerequisites: Install latest NodeJS LTS (Linux) and make sure you have npm or yarn installed. Install Chrome/Firefox.
npm #
If you prefer npm, just run:
npm install browsertime -g
yarn #
Or with yarn:
yarn global add browsertime
Windows #
We support Windows using Docker. To be able to support running on Windows with NodeJS we need at least one core contributor that can focus on Windows. Are you that one? Please get in touch!