Testing on an Android device should work the same way as testing on desktop, as long as you setup your device following the instructions.
Run shell command
If you run your tests on an Android phone you can interact with your phone through the shell.
* @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeContext} context
* @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeCommands} commands
export default async function (context, commands) {
// Get the temperature from the phone
const temperature = await commands.android.shell("dumpsys battery | grep temperature | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}'");
context.log.info('The battery temperature is %s', temperature/10);
// Start the test
return commands.measure.start(
Run shell command as root
If you rooted your device and want to run as root.
* @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeContext} context
* @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeCommands} commands
export default async function (context, commands) {
// Get the temperature from the phone
const temperature = await commands.android.shellAsRoot("dumpsys battery | grep temperature | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}'");
context.log.info('The battery temperature is %s', temperature/10);
// Start the test
return commands.measure.start(