Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP)

Send messages to Chrome using the Chrome DevTools Protocol. This only works in Chrome/Edge. You can send, send and get and listen on events. This is a super powerful feature that enables you to do almost whatever you want with the browser.

Sending a command

Send a command to Chrome and don’t expect something back.

Here’s an example of injecting JavaScript that runs on every new document.

 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeContext} context
 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeCommands} commands
export default async function (context, commands) {
  await commands.cdp.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument',{source: 'console.log("hello");'});
  await commands.measure.start('');

Send and get something back

Send a command to Chrome and get the result back.

 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeContext} context
 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeCommands} commands
export default async function (context, commands) {
  await commands.measure.start('');
  const domCounters = await commands.cdp.sendAndGet('Memory.getDOMCounters');'Memory.getDOMCounters %j', domCounters);

Listen on events

Here’s an example to get hold of all responses for a page.

 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeContext} context
 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeCommands} commands
export default async function (context, commands) {
  const responses = [];
  await commands.cdp.on('Network.responseReceived', params => {
  await commands.measure.start('');'Responses %j', responses);

Use the raw CDP client

Under the hood Browsertime uses the chrome-remote-interface. If you need you can get the raw CDP client so you can do whatever you want. Here’s an example on how to change the server header on the response.

 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeContext} context
 * @param {import('browsertime').BrowsertimeCommands} commands
export default async function (context, commands) {
  const cdpClient = commands.cdp.getRawClient();
  await cdpClient.Fetch.enable({
    patterns: [
        urlPattern: '*',
        requestStage: 'Response'

  cdpClient.Fetch.requestPaused(async reqEvent => {
    const { requestId } = reqEvent;
    let responseHeaders = reqEvent.responseHeaders || [];

    const newServerHeader = { name: 'server', value: 'Haxxor' };
    const foundHeaderIndex = responseHeaders.findIndex(
      h => === 'server'
    if (foundHeaderIndex) {
      responseHeaders[foundHeaderIndex] = newServerHeader;
    } else {

    return cdpClient.Fetch.continueResponse({
      responseCode: 200,

  return commands.measure.start('');