Well, it took all summer and almost the autumn to get it ready and now it is here! Almost everything has been reworked & cleaned up, here are the new major changes:

Configurable summary boxes

You can now choose which data that is showed in the summary boxes on the first page. You can also create your own boxes (with your own data) and set the rule limits (when to signal red/yellow/green).

The summary boxes, now you can change them

Configurable columns

Yes, you can also choose & create your own data to be showed in the detailed summary columns.

Configure which colums to see!

Fetch real browser timings

Fetch Navigation Timing API data from real browser (and custom measurements) using Browser Time. You will get the info in the summary page:

See the timings in the summary

In the summary detailed page:

See the timings in the detailed summary

And specific timings on each page that has been tested:

See the timings for each page

Read more about the browser timings.

New rule: Browser scaled images

The YSlow rule yimgnoscale doesn't work with PhantomJS. The new rule compare the image browser width and the real image width and if it differ, you will get that in the output.

The result for browser scaled images

Test multiple sites & compare them

You can now test multiple sites and compare them using the sitespeed-sites.io script (you can choose what kind of data to compare).

Test multiple sites

Test for mobile or desktop

There are now two different rule-sets, one for desktop & one for mobile.


The main script (sitespeed.io) has been cleaned up & Velocity templates has been restructured.

Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.0

The new Bootstrap version is mobile first and will render the page faster than before.

New logo

Say hello to the new sitespeed.io logo:

The new sitespeed.io logo!

Minor changes

  • Phone view on detailed summary page now only contains url & score to make it simpler to maintain.
  • You can now see the IP of the computer running the test in the result.xml file.
  • You can now set the max pages to test & the name of the test (displayed on every HTML page).
  • Simplified user agent by choosing between iphone, ipad or nexus and a real agent & viewport is set.
  • Output as CSV: Choose which column to output and always output ip, start url & date.
  • Fix for Windows-users that is having spaces in their path to Java.
  • Bug fix: URL:s that returns error (4XX-5XX and that sitespeed can't analyse) is now included in the JUnit xml.
  • Bug fix: The JUnit script can now output files to a relative path.
  • Bug fix: User Agent is now correctly set.

See the changelog for changes done in the past.